Millennial Burnout: Are You Feeling It?

MILLENNIAL BURNOUT... a symptom of modern life or something we should all be more aware about?

Last year, the WHO officially classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon and a global pandemic. It's true that concerns for a new, vigorous pandemic are currently reshaping our lives, but sadly burnout is so pervasive that it's become a problem we continue to face but remain resistant to acknowledge as part of our own reality. What's more, burnout is on the rise.

Burnout is the physical and mental result of chronic exposure to low-levels of stress. Funnily enough, our bodies are better adapted to dealing with acute (explosive) short term stress but less well adapted to the long term variety.

Things you might feel:

  • Low energy

  • Anxiety or intolerance to stress

  • Inability to slow down or switch off

  • Poor sleep or constantly waking “unrefreshed”

  • Mood changes (anger, irritability, tearful)

  • Inability to focus or make decisions

  • Irregular or missing periods

  • Weight gain (especially around the middle)

  • A feeling that you’re constantly rundown or “under the weather”

  • Any other symptom that’s not “normal” for you with no other explicable cause

I'm so passionate about this subject, not only because I've suffered it pretty badly in the past, but because I see it DAILY with clients and within organisations where the costs to business productivity, profitability, culture and reputation are enormous.

For the individual, the impacts on all hormones (adrenal, sex, thyroid and insulin to name a few) are really pronounced with huge consequences for our ENERGY, resilience, brain power, mood, weight and of course, every aspect of our performance.

The good news? There is a whole LOT you can do when you know how to EAT, RECHARGE and MOVE in a way that works for your unique body and life load. I may have learnt a lot of this the hard way, but now I'm incredibly passionate about showing my clients how to feel better than ever, using simple nutrition and lifestyle tools that really work for them.

Want to know if you're at risk of burnout? I'll be sharing a quiz you can take soon so you can find out. If you don't want to wait, you can always book a call with me by clicking the button below.

I'd love to hear from you.


© Holly Dunn Nutrition


How to Reclaim your Energy (when your hormones are out of whack)


Working “Well” From Home