My body trusts me again

Before working with Sarah, she was struggling with HA (hypothalamic amenorrhoea), chronic pain, disordered eating and a fear of losing her identity as an athlete. Here are some of the things Sarah had to say through working together:


“ I have regained my period (I've had 2 now :-D)!!! I almost never wake up in the night to pee now (at my worst, it was 2-3 times). I am warmer. I can concentrate for hours, and I am more motivated at work. Food is no longer a distraction/doesn't occupy my thoughts 24/7. I have total freedom around food, I can eat whatever and enjoy it. I am much more self-aware of when disordered thoughts creep back in. I am more in love with my husband than I've ever been, I have the energy to laugh and enjoy our meals together (also my sex drive has returned).

Obviously, regaining my period is a massive sign that my body trusts me again. And it has also helped alleviate some of the anxiety around future fertility or the feeling that I am "broken". I was so terrified of what I had done to my body when you (Holly) first rang, but also too scared to change anything. You changed all that for me. Under your guidance and gentle encouragement, you took away the fear and gave me the permission I needed to eat. All I wanted was my period back and to feel like a normal woman again. And we did that! I'm not 100% there yet, but the mere fact I have a cycle now is unequivocal evidence that my body and mind can heal. Thank you Holly!

This is an experience that you will never forget, it will be so formative that your outlook on life will change entirely. The nature of the process means you are going to have to stir the emotional pot and so, it is a total roller-coaster. All the things I was so in denial about I have realised along the way and had to come to terms with. It's almost like going through a grief of sorts, there is denial at first, then anger, bargaining, depression before acceptance and peace. It's not easy and I have cried a lot. But if I had stayed how I was, I can't imagine how much more I would have suffered without consciously knowing. It is worth it! I have a period now, and a degree of self-awareness that will serve me for the rest of my life.”

— Sarah, Inverness


I felt understood


Truly understands